Intentional Inductions
Make the moment you meet your baby the best it can be.
It will help you:
- Prevent birth trauma
- Make positive birth memories
- Enjoy the last days of your pregnancy
- Feel connected to your partner and birth team
- Gain confidence in your own wisdom
- Learn how to mindfully navigate the process of induction
This class is for families who:
- Are planning a labor induction after 37 weeks of pregnancy.
- Have a provider they respect and trust and feel fully informed about their decision to move forward with an induction.
- Already know about the birth process, coping techniques, and comfort measures.
- Want to meld the medical side of induction with their desire to have a meaningful birth experience.
If you are tired of people trying to scare you into not having an induction, or people treating you like it's going to be a horrible experience-- this class is for you. You are a grown-up and I trust that you are making the decision that is best for your family.
You will gain instant access to 9 videos:
- Introduction
- Labor Basics & Body Scan
- How Long Will It Take & How To Plan
- Going To The Hospital & What To Expect
- Making Decisions & Talking With Medical Providers
- Coping Techniques & Comfort Measures
- Breaking The Bag Of Waters
- As Labor Progresses, Tips & Tools
- Positions & Progress