Postpartum Doula Service Agreement
Family Thresholds, LLC dba
(referred to herein by
first person pronouns)
Postpartum Doula Services
- The Role of a Postpartum Doula. As your postpartum doula, my role is to provide support to the postpartum parent, their partner and loved ones. Postpartum support can include processing the birth, emotional support, offering resources and troubleshooting nursing and postpartum issues. Please note that although our sessions may be therapeutic, I am not a mental health professional or medical provider, so I cannot and will not make diagnoses, perform clinical tasks, or prescribe medications.
- Payment. The fee for postpartum services is $55.00 per hour. I will invoice you at least monthly and ask that you remit payment no more than ten (10) days after the invoice date. I accept payment in cash, via PayPal to, Venmo @family_thresholds, or via check made payable to Family Thresholds and mailed to 2212 Queen Anne Ave. N., Box 140, Seattle, WA 98109.
- Postpartum Sessions. Our sessions will be conducted in your home, or virtually via an audio-video conference platform such as Zoom. These visits are typically around 4 hours and can be scheduled at your convenience within the first three months after the birth. In addition to providing emotional support and resources, my services can also include cooking, light housework, or caring for older children, as needed or requested.
- Communication. I offer phone and email support as needed throughout my engagement with you. Please feel free to call me at (206) 819-1383 or reach out via email to, and I will contact you at the number and email address you provided above.
General Terms (applicable to all doula services)
- Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date it is signed by all of the parties (the “Effective Date”) and shall automatically terminate one hundred twenty (120) days following the birth. If you wish to extend postpartum services beyond the initial three-month postpartum period, additional or amended terms may apply. The terms set forth in Sections Q through T, below, are expressly intended to survive termination.
- Acknowledgements. You acknowledge the following regarding my performance of the services described in this agreement: (i) I am not a medical or mental health professional or practitioner. The services I provide are based on my training, knowledge and experience; and (ii) I cannot guarantee specific outcomes with your pregnancy, birth experience or postpartum period.
- Waiver of Liability. As an express condition of my performance of services under this agreement, you agree to waive and hereby do waive any rights, claims or causes of action that you may have against me now and in the future with respect to your pregnancy, birth, postpartum period or the services provided or not provided under this Agreement.
- Dispute Resolution. We agree, in the unlikely event that a dispute should occur between us, that all disputes shall be resolved pursuant to Washington law, and the state and federal courts in King County, Washington shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all such disputes. The prevailing party in any dispute between us shall be entitled to recover their reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with the dispute.
- Permission to Use Testimonials & Likeness. Client testimonials and recorded footage of class sessions are an important part of my promotional campaigns and future commercial opportunities. I request your permission to use any testimonial you provide, as well as your image and likeness as captured in video recordings or photographs taken at classes offered at Thresholds or otherwise, for commercial and/or promotional purposes, including but not limited to print media, electronic media, audio and video. You further agree to waive any right to compensation from the use of your testimonial, image or likeness. I will consider your signature on this agreement an expression of your consent to the terms of this paragraph.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement with the intent to be legally bound as of the Effective Date set forth above.