Prepared Postpartum Workshop (12.17.24)

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This includes instant access to: 

  • Online portal with more resources all about the 4th trimester.

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"Thanks for the great class yesterday!" -Expecting parent


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Order summary

Prepared Postpartum Workshop (12.17.24)

December 17, 2024 | 7 to 9pm Pacific Time

Location: Zoom 

Total due $75

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

Satisfaction guarantee

If you participate in the class and are not fully satisfied you can reach out and receive a full refund. 

"Thanks for the opportunity to think forward differently than I have been so far." -Expecting parent

Amity Photo  Check Out PAge 400x400

My name is Amity Kramer.

I've been learning from new parents for over 15 years. It is a gift to stand by new parents as they embrace the ups and downs of parenting life. 

Hope to see you soon,


Founder of Thresholds, Certified Gottman Educator, Certified Birthing From Within Mentor

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